寻求主 2015-12-19
繁琐的事情常使你的生活脱离秩序,然而,不要让混乱的生活拖累你。当你花费大量的精力在那些琐碎的事情上,并且想要把它们一件件去处理完毕时,你将会发现它们是永远做不完的。它们会吃掉你所有计划在其上的时间。 DO NOT BE WEIGHED DOWN by the clutter in your life: lots of little chores to do sometime, in no particular order. If you focus too much on these petty tasks, trying to get them all out of the way, you will discover that they are endless. They can eat up as much time as you devote to them. 与其努力地一次性做完所有琐事,不如只去完成今天应该完成的事。将剩下的事情放在脑后,全神灌注地来亲近我。记住你的终极目标是与我亲近,让我来做你生命的主。只有当你的思想不被拖累并且转向我的时候,我才能更好地与你交流。在这一天中,不断地寻求我的面。让我的同在带给你秩序,我的平安也会充满你整个人。 Instead of trying to do all your chores at once, choose the ones that need to be done today. Let the rest slip into the background of your mind, so I can be in the forefront of your awareness. Remember that your ultimate goal is living close to Me, being responsive to My initiatives. I can communicate with you most readily when your mind is uncluttered and turned toward Me. Seek My Face continually through out this day. Let My Presence bring order to your thoughts, infusing Peace into your entire being. 经文: 箴言16:3 ?你所作的,要交托耶和华,你所谋的,就必成立。 马太福音6:33 你们要先求他的国和他的义,这些东西都要加给你们了。 祷告: 亲爱的天父,琐碎的生活常常使我忙得晕头转向,从而让我更加远离你。当我来做自己生命的主时,常常觉得一团糟。我知道,只有当我把自己生命的主权完全交给你的时候,我的生命才会变得有秩序。今天,我愿意把我未来的每一天都交给你,不断寻求你的面,让你来做我生命的主。求主赐下喜乐和平安,让我每天都去荣耀你。祷告奉恩主耶稣基督的名求,阿门! (责任编辑:admin) |