诗/伊丽莎白.巴雷特.勃朗宁,译/施玮 我们坐在伯利恒的畜棚中无言的母牛,离开它们的饲料柔软了一双牛角,转过脸来像人一般,凝视著凝视著这新生的婴孩 纯朴的牧人,从星光照耀的溪边带来他们恍若梦境的注视让他们吃惊的声音至今仍在回荡那奇妙、甜美、天使的语言 东方的博士们,穿著走破了的鞋虔诚地跪伏,灰白的长需清扫了一方,礼物放在地上香料、没药、和黄金 婴孩的手,无法抓起这些东西於是,整个天地都在等候等候在万王之王的面前睡吧!睡吧!我的君王 The Holy Nightby Elizabeth Barrett Browning We sate among the stalls at Bethlehem;The dumb kine from their fodder turning them,Softened their horned facesTo almost human gazesToward the newly Born:The ** shepherds from the star-lit brooksBrought their visionary looks,As yet in their astonied hearing rungThe strange sweet angel-tonge:The magi of the East, in sandals worn,Knelt reverent, sweeping round,With long pale beards, their gifts upon the ground,The incense, myrrh, and goldThese baby hands were impotent to hold:So let all earthlies and celestials waitUpon thy royal state.Sleep, sleep, my kingly One! (责任编辑:admin) |